
1. Great Again by Henry R Nothhaft, David Kline
2. Today We Are Rich by Tim Sanders
3. Leadership Is Dead by Jeremie Kubicek
4. Unfair Advantage by Robert T Kiyosaki
5. Engage! by Brian Solis, Ashton Kutcher
6. Surviving Your Serengeti by Stefan Swanepoel
7. From Values to Action by Harry M Jansen Kraemer
8. The 2020 Workplace by Jeanne C Meister, Karie Willyerd
9. Behind the Cloud by Marc Benioff, Carlye Adler
10. The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk
この中で読んだのは今のところ10位のThe Thank You Economy(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/fbrev/20110531)のみですが、The 2020 WorkplaceはタイトルがSFチックで面白そうなので、近いうちに読んでみたいと思います。